old style siamese cat

If you’re looking for a cat with an elegant and regal demeanor, consider the old-style Siamese breed. These cats are a throwback to a time when Siamese cats were more closely resembling the original breed standard.

Traditional Siamese cats have a more rounded face and body shape compared to the modern Siamese breed, which has been bred to have a more slender and angular appearance.

The traditional Siamese cat is known for its striking blue almond-shaped eyes, pointed ears, and a short, fine coat that comes in various color points such as seal, blue, chocolate, and lilac.

Many people are rediscovering the charm of old-style Siamese cats for their affectionate and social nature. These cats are known for their loyalty and devotion to their owners, often forming strong bonds with them.

Old-style Siamese cats are also known for their playful and intelligent personalities. They enjoy interactive games and puzzles, and are quick learners who can be trained to do tricks.

If you’re interested in adding a traditional Siamese cat to your family, be sure to do your research and find a reputable breeder who specializes in preserving the old-style breed.

In conclusion, old-style Siamese cats offer a unique and charming alternative to the modern Siamese breed. Their distinctive appearance, affectionate nature, and playful personality make them a wonderful addition to any cat lover’s home.